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memo-2003-04-03 (同窗會帳目結算&同窗會網站新加項目)


From: Huang 

To: Wu吳 肇峰 ; Wu吳 世冠 ; Wang王 SB憲斌-O ; Wang王 SB憲斌-H ; Tai Chia-Hui; Tsui崔 德康 ; Shu束 Jeff光先 ; Sheu許 KW坤旺 ; Lyu Ping-Chiang ; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-O ; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-H ; Liu Pay-horn ; Lin林 俊男 ; Lin林 WP維屏 ; Lin Wei-Hua ; Lee李 榮興 ; Lee李 重德Michael ; Lee李 士先 ; Hsu Ching-Yun-O ; Fang方 WP偉平 ; Chung鍾 政達 ; Chuang莊 振君-China ; Chuang莊 振君Chen-Chun ; Chuang Kuan-Sheng ; Chou周's husband Metz Wan-Yin's husband James T. ; Chi 戚 明志-H ;  Chen陳 家明 ; Cheng鄭 秀瑤SY ; Chen Jyun-Hung ; Chen Jui-Chang ; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強-O ; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強-H ; Chang張 HS華樞 ; Huang Deeng-Lih-CU 
Sent: Friday, April 4, 2003 12:10 AM
Subject: Reunion account balance correction




Dear Classmates,

There were two mistakes in the account balance of the previous email. The expense (
支出) should be $23,377, and the balance (結餘) $6,623. Below is the correct account balance. Sorry about the mistakes.


收入:$30,000. ($1,000/ x 30) (吳肇峰管帳)


  1. 晚餐 (竹林土雞城5桌加飲料$740):$15,740. (吳肇峰付帳)

  2. 玉珍齋糕餅:$3,150. (吳肇峰付帳)

  3. 黃頂力買茶點:$2,010.

  4. 吳世冠買飲料,紙杯,紙盤,紙巾:$993.

  5. 陳瑞彰買水果:$500.

  6. 戴嘉慧買做 Reunion CD CD-ROM$399.

  7. 戴嘉慧寄 Reunion CD 給每個人的郵費:$585.

結餘:$6,623. (目前由戴嘉慧保管,將留給2003年的慶祝周老師 60 歲生日同窗會用)




From: Huang 

To: Wu吳 肇峰 ; Wu吳 世冠 ; Wang王 SB憲斌-O ; Wang王 SB憲斌-H ; Tai Chia-Hui; Tsui崔 德康 ; Shu束 Jeff光先 ; Sheu許 KW坤旺 ; Lyu Ping-Chiang ; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-O ; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-H ; Liu Pay-horn ; Lin林 俊男 ; Lin林 WP維屏 ; Lin Wei-Hua ; Lee李 榮興 ; Lee李 重德Michael ; Lee李 士先 ; Hsu Ching-Yun-O ; Fang方 WP偉平 ; Chung鍾 政達 ; Chuang莊 振君-China ; Chuang莊 振君Chen-Chun ; Chuang Kuan-Sheng ; Chou周's husband Metz Wan-Yin's husband James T. ; Chi 戚 明志-H ;  Chen陳 家明 ; Cheng鄭 秀瑤SY ; Chen Jyun-Hung ; Chen Jui-Chang ; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強-O ; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強-H ; Chang張 HS華樞 ; Huang Deeng-Lih-CU 
Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2003 11:30 PM
Reunion account balance & new items updated in the reunion web site




Dear Classmates,




收入:$30,000. ($1,000/ x 30) (吳肇峰管帳)

支出:$22,393. (incorrect, please see correction above)

  1. 晚餐 (竹林土雞城5桌加飲料$740):$15,740. (吳肇峰付帳)

  2. 玉珍齋糕餅:$3,150. (吳肇峰付帳)

  3. 黃頂力買茶點:$2,010.

  4. 吳世冠買飲料,紙杯,紙盤,紙巾:$993.

  5. 陳瑞彰買水果:$500.

  6. 戴嘉慧買做 Reunion CD CD-ROM$399.

  7. 戴嘉慧寄 Reunion CD 給每個人的郵費:$585.

結餘$21,409. (incorrect, please see correction above) (目前由戴嘉慧保管,將留給2003年的慶祝周老師 60 歲生日同窗會用)


為祝賀周德璋老師 60 大壽
(Lunch followed by potential dinner)



407 台中市大有街 1133 樓之 6
Tel: H (04) 2313-5922
O (04) 2279-4176
Mobile: 0935-356-591


Moreover, the following items have been added to the reunion index. Please check them out at the link <>.


  1. memo-2002-12-15 (聯絡戴嘉慧做同窗會CD事宜)

  2. memo-2002-12-29 (束光先email願幫忙整修照片)

  3. memo-2003-03-06 (阿郎陳瑞彰email來問同窗會CD是否已寄出)

  4. memo-2003-03-20 (周婉嬿寄email來謝謝寄來同窗會CD)

  5. memo-2003-03-31 (同窗會CD修改,同窗會寫真照片已上傳網站&戴嘉慧做同窗會CD帳目)

  6. memo-2003-04-03 (同窗會帳目結算&同窗會網站新加項目)




註:這個 email 將於0404日星期五郵寄給沒 email 9位同學 (陳振智、鍾政達、許朝金、簡皓瑋、高寶清、郭先民、林致睿、林盛純、黎昌雄)


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