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memo-2002-10-31-1 (聯絡阿郎陳瑞彰買茶點事宜)


From: Huang

To: jc 

Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 12:17  AM
Subject: Thanks a lot

Dear Arlarng,

Thanks a lot. See you tomorrow.



From: jc 

To: Huang 
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: bought some snacks (茶點) 

The amount of snack you indicated should be enough, I think. I'll shop some fruits tonight right after I finish playing badminton, so that I'll go to bring the snack tomorrow. The tablewares will be brought by Shi-Kwang. I also can bring knives, but I don't think I have a peeler.

From: Huang

To: Chen Jui-Chang 
Cc: Tai Chia-Hui ; Wu吳 世冠 ; Wu吳 肇峰 
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 1:03 AM
Subject: bought some snacks (茶點) today 

Dear Arlarng,

Below are some snacks (
茶點) I have bought today (10/31/2002). 

大花豆粒 () 5 $250
黑豆粒 (淡淡鹹) 3.75 $300
澎湖炒花生 (淡淡鹹) 3 $360
帶皮炒鹽花生(淡鹹) &無皮炒花生 (淡淡鹹) 3 $300
豆類合計 $1210 

原味花生糖 () 一大包
海苔花生糖 () 一大包 
原味牛軋糖 () 一大包
香味牛軋糖 () 一大包
另味牛軋糖 () 一大包
糖果合計 $800 

另外剛還 emailed to order 鹿港玉珍齋糕餅. (Considering health, I tried to order "relatively" healthier snacks, the order of product selection is "cholesterol free & fat free" > "cholesterol free & vegetable fat" > "cholesterol free & animal fat.")

冬瓜糕 素食 主要原料 糯米粉..冬瓜
價格 60/ x3=180

長片綠豆糕 素食 主要原料 糯米粉..綠豆粉
價格 30/ x6=180

長片梅香糕 素食 主要原料 糯米粉 .. 梅子粉
價格 30/ x6=180

瓜子糕 素食 主要原料 糯米粉..瓜子粉
價格 60/ x3=180

牛舌餅 素食 主要原料 麵粉. 麥芽. . 素食油
價格 150/ x3=450

肉餅 主要原料 麵粉 . .動物油. 核桃.
價格 60/ x3=180

綠豆蓉 主要原料 麵粉 .. 動物油. 綠豆沙.
價格 60/ x3=180

核桃烏豆沙 素食 主要原料 麵粉 .. 素食油. 烏豆沙. 麻糬
價格 60/ x5=300

鳳梨餅 蛋素 主要原料 麵粉 . .素食油. 蜜餞. 鳳梨醬
價格 60/ x5=300

鳳眼糕 素食 主要原料 糯米粉 .. 葡萄糖
價格 100/ x2=200

梅香糕 素食 主要原料 糯米粉 .. 素食油.梅子粉.果糖
價格 100/ x2=200

素食綠豆糕 主要原料 糯米粉 .. 素食油.綠豆粉.果糖
價格 100/ x2=200

素食杏仁糕 主要原料 糯米粉 .. 素食油.杏仁粉.果糖
價格 100/ x2=200

素食鹽糕 主要原料 糯米粉..
價格 80/ x3=240

總計: 3170

至今茶點花費總計: 5180

阿郎如果認為這些茶點數量或種類不夠,請再買一些其他的,例如加強鹹類茶點,如尤魚絲、其他魚絲、豆干、肉干, etc, 但總預算不要超過$5500-6000,也就是最多還可買 $320-820

How is it going regarding buying 水果, 飲料, 紙杯, 紙盤 & 紙巾?

Our budget is relatively tight. If a person makes a last minute cancellation or is a no-show, the budget will be $1000 less. We have three last minute cancellations(
張華樞 couple, 2; 呂平江's wife, 1) and one almost last minute cancellation (林致睿) so far. We hope there is no no-show. 

By the way, we need to bring a peeler and one or two knives for cutting fruits and some
玉珍齋糕餅. Could 肇峰 or Arlarng please help with this matter? Thanks.



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