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memo-2002-12-15 (聯絡戴嘉慧做同窗會CD事宜) |
From: Huang |
Tai Chia-Hui
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: Reunion photo-S. Cross
Dear Chia-Hui,
Thanks for calling this morning. I copied the South Cross web page and the photo of mechanical hand in a floppy disk and found they worked. I don't know what's the problem. Anyway, I have changed the name of the photo and re-made the hyperlink of the photo in the web page. Please find the photo and the web page in the attachment.
In the attachment you will also find the web page of the latest directory. It has been revised. The directory of teachers has been switched to the top of the web page. Because the directory of classmates in this attached web page is not updated, please make the same switch in your web page.
Thanks a lot for helping make the reunion CD. I did it once and know that it's a tedious and time consuming task. It takes time, patience and dedication.
From: Huang |
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: Invitation and instruction files
Dear Chia-Hui,
Thanks a lot for the info. I added "(Lunch followed by potential dinner)" as
莊洸賢 told me in the Invitation file. I also made some modification in the Read Me file.
As some people may not have Chinese WinWord to view both files, I made them into htm files, one of which also includes an "invitation.jpg" file in the [fig] folder. In addition to put them in the [thu-chem-24] folder, you may need to put both htm files (without jpg files) in the place where you intend to put them (with the Word doc too). I also added hyperlink of both htm files in the reunion_index.htm. Thus, please update this page too.
Attached please find all 6 files.
Thanks a lot for your efforts. By the way, please make sure photos of those who had provided either by mail or by email are all included in the CD. For Jyh-Chyang Chao's CD, please remember to mail it to Sharon as he instructed.
From: chtai |
To: 'Huang'
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 10:44 AM
Subject: Invitation and instruction files
Dear Deeng-Lih:
Please read the two attached files and make changes if necessary. Reunion CD is ready to go if these two files are OK.
From: Huang |
To: Tai Chia-Hui
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 2:14 PM
Subject: Malaban Mt. Photo
Dear Chia-Hui,
Thanks for calling today. It's good that the reunion CD is about to be done and mailed to everyone.
Attached please find the photo of Malaban Mt., which is the remaining photo you have problem with.
Thanks a lot. Hope to see the CD soon.
From: Huang |
To: Tai Chia-Hui
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 8:58 PM
Subject: 3 updated web pages
Dear Chia-Hui,
Attached please find three updated web pages. If it's not too late, please use these updated web pages. Thanks.
Regarding file name differences in downloaded photos, it may just need to replace all
"%20" with "a space." I also used signs such as "&,"
"-," "+" and
",." Thus, it's not necessary to have to change these signs.
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