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memo-2003-08-07-1 (修訂致 周德璋教授在60大壽; 吳世冠&高寶清可能來,還不確定; 午餐形式討論; 郭先民能來嗎?)


From: Huang

To: Chuang Kuan-Sheng
Cc: Wu吳 肇峰 ; Wu吳 世冠 ; Wang王 SB憲斌-O ; Wang王 SB憲斌-H ; Tai Chia-Hui; Tsui崔 德康 ; Shu束 Jeff光先 ; Sheu許 KW坤旺 ; Lyu Ping-Chiang ; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-O ; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-H ; Liu Pay-horn ; Lin林 俊男 ; Lin林 WP維屏 ; Lin Wei-Hua ; Lee李 榮興 ; Lee李 重德Michael ; Lee李 士先 ; Hsu Ching-Yun-O ; Fang方 WP偉平 ; Chung鍾 政達 ; Chuang莊 振君-China ; Chuang莊 振君Chen-Chun ;  Chou周's husband Metz Wan-Yin's husband James T. ; Chi 戚 明志-H ;  Chen陳 家明 ; Cheng鄭 秀瑤SY ; Chen Jyun-Hung ; Chen Jui-Chang ; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強-O ; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強-H ; Chang張 HS華樞 ; Huang Deeng-Lih-CU 
Sent: Thursday, August 7, 2003 4:52 PM
Subject: 修訂致 周德璋教授在60大壽; 吳世冠&高寶清可能來,還不確定; 午餐形式討論; 郭先民能來嗎


Dear Kuang-Sein,


Thanks for calling this morning. 

Below is a revision for the 3rd paragraph of words on the souvenir to Professor Chou.

Respectfully presented by Professor Chou's Peaches and Plums -- 1982 Chemistry Department, Tunghai University
周教授的桃李 -- 東海大學化學系1982 年畢業(24) 敬賀

By the way, I just called 吳世冠. His institute may have an assignment for him then. As a result, he is still not sure whether he can come or not. I gave him your mobile and home phone numbers. He may call you when he has an answer. 

I also asked him about his preference of luncheon style. He preferred Western style buffet over Chinese round table style banquet. He also thought the luxury $3000 per person banquet at the
台中金典酒店十四樓北京廳之國宴圓桌 is too much. 

I just called
高寶清 too. He is still not sure if he will be traveling abroad or not then. If he will not, he will come then. He asked me to reserve a seat for him. He thought he is very likely to come. He also preferred Western style buffet at the 台中金典酒店11F 柏麗自助餐廳 over Chinese round table style banquet at the 台中福華大飯店十六樓翡翠廳.

Thus, in addition to
吳世冠 and 高寶清, most classmates whom I have contacted so far prefer Western style buffet over Chinese round table style banquet. As we discussed over the phone this morning, Western style buffet at the 台中金典酒店11F 柏麗自助餐廳 has the advantages of flexible numbers of attendees, various savory food choices to one's preference, spacious and decent dining environment and atmosphere, ease of seat exchange, and less expensive over the Chinese round table style banquet at the 台中福華大飯店十六樓翡翠廳. Moreover, we can use the remaining $390/ dining budget ($1000 +10%/ at the 台中福華大飯店十六樓翡翠廳 minus $640 +10% at the 台中金典酒店11F 柏麗自助餐廳) for lodging a President suite or a super suite* at the 台中金典酒店 for Professor Chou, and we can do the after-luncheon program in the suite.  Alternatively, if Professor Chou does not want to stay a night in Taichung, we can use the budget for another place. Of course, Western style buffet will have the disadvantages of that one has to move around to get foods and no isolated private room. But balancing the overall situation, Western style buffet at the 台中金典酒店11F 柏麗自助餐廳 seems to have more advantages over the Chinese round table style banquet at the 台中福華大飯店十六樓翡翠廳.


*Note: 莊洸賢 can get a 50% off corporate discount for lodging at the 台中金典酒店, and the 台中金典酒店 provided a President suite one day free for 許清雲's Ching-Hua professor when they had a birthday banquet of 5-6 tables, which were around $10,000 per table, at the 台中金典酒店 last year.


Will 郭先民 come?


Update: 吳肇峰's new email address:


Index of Prof. Chou's 60th Birthday Reunion:



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