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memo-2002-11-18-1 (莊洸賢 emailed 明年周德璋老師60大壽餐會相關事宜)


From: Huang 

To: cks

Cc: Tsui崔 德康; Shu束 Jeff光先; Chang張 HS華樞; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強 Kevin; Chen Jui-Chang; Chen Jyun-Hung; Cheng鄭 秀瑤SY; Chen陳 家明; Chi 戚 明志-H; Chou周's husband Metz Wan-Yan's husband James T.; Chuang莊 振君Chen-Chun; Chuang莊 振君-China; Chung鍾 政達; Fang方 WP偉平; Hsu Ching-Yun-O; Huang Deeng-Lih; Lee李 士先; Lee李 重德Michael; Lee李 榮興; Lin Wei-Hua; Lin林 WP維屏; Lin林 俊男; Liu Pay-horn; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-O; Lyu Ping-Chiang; Sheu許 KW坤旺; Tai Chia-Hui; Wang王 SB憲斌; Wu吳 世冠; Wu吳 肇峰; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-H,,
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:00 AM
Subject: Re:




Dear 洸賢,

Thanks a lot for the info. It's a good job that you've had some potential dates available for the next year's Professor Chou's 60th birthday reunion now. Both Saturdays 08/30/2003 and 09/06/2003 are fine with me. We may see how other classmates think. All classmates who have email addresses are Cc recipients of this email. They should be able to read the info and send their feedback to you. Dear classmates, please do send your reply to
洸賢 (, if you mind. Thanks.

Below is part of an email sent by
阿郎陳瑞彰 on 11/11/2002 mentioning something regarding next year's reunion. (The full content of this email is also available at

"Taichung or Chia-yi is fine with me. Maybe we can hold the Professor Chou's birthday and reunion in a resort or farm such as
走馬瀨農場 et al. I am looking forward to the event."


PS: You may use "reply to all" function to send emails to all classmates in the future, if you wish. All classmates who have email addresses are all included in this email.


From: cks

To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 11:11 AM
Subject: 周德璋老師六十大壽餐會相關事宜


頂立 : 您好

昨晚與玉晶到老師家晚餐 .順到奉上"萬巒豬腳 - - 保證不受口蹄疫污染".在少許 WHISKY 催化下.回憶起往日東海的生活點滴 .暢談目前於中正大學之現況 .當然少不了老師一貫的理想與堅持及對未來的期許 .當提出明年餐會事宜 - - 老師毫不猶豫的欣然接受 .適當的時間與地點(台中.OK)由我們決定並提早告知即可 .1944/09/10為老師之生日 .2003/08/302003/09/06為周末.應較適當 .原則上不攜眷參加(遠從國外攜眷歸來者.特權例外 - -當然歡迎)或許大伙兒可再度聆聽老師精彩的一堂課.當然亦是同學間彼此交換寶貴工作經驗與心靈交流的大好時機 .時間與地點有更好意見者 .請不吝與我聯絡 .謹此 .

莊 洸 賢 2002/11/18


註:這個 email 129日星期一郵寄給沒 email 9位同學 (陳振智、鍾政達、許朝金、簡皓瑋、高寶清、郭先民、林致睿、林盛純、黎昌雄)


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