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memo-2002-11-11-1 (阿郎陳瑞彰寄同窗會後記 email )


From: Huang 

To: jcchen

Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 12:58 AM
Re: CD照片, 同窗會後記, 檢查通訊資料是否正確


Dear Arlarng,

Thanks for the email. I should thank you for your help too. What I did was a public service to help reunite the chemistry we had. I believe the chemistry will be better next time. 

Your mobile phone number had been deleted from the online directory as per your instruction.

Kuang-Seng Chuang volunteered to take charge of the reunion to celebrating Prof. Chou's 60th birthday next year. We will see where and when it will be then.



From: jcchen 

To: Huang 
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: CD照片, 同窗會後記, 檢查通訊資料是否正確


Dear David:
I would call it a great reunion. It is so wonderful that I can meet so many long-time-no-see classmates at a time. Of course, many thanks have to go to you, as you had contributed so much priceless time and effort on this event.
Also, please delete my mobile phone number from the address page, since I do not have a mobile phone for a year at least.
For next year reunion if any, I would definitely come again. Of course, held in Taichung or Chia-yi is fine with me. Maybe we can hold the Professor Chou's birthday and reunion in a resort or farm such as
走馬瀨農場 et al. I am looking forward to the event.

My best,


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