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memo-2002-10-09 (阿江獵捕到黎昌雄 & 同窗會上發條) |
10/14/2002 (Mon.) ~8:10-9:07 PM, 黃頂力 called 陳瑞彰討論&請幫忙同窗會事項
10/14/2002 (Mon.) ~9:05-9:45 AM 吳肇峰 called 黃頂力, 告之:
他有幫忙問到朝馬附近的旅館,住2人附早餐約$1560-$1800 (。若要訂房,請在本週六(10/18)之前告之(Tel: H 04-2631-8384, M: 0955-433478),因他週日(10/19)要出國,到十月底才回來。(10/20/2002 ~9:00-9:10 PM, 吳肇峰 called 黃頂力, 告之歐風旅館 Tel (04) 2259-9299, 住2人$1800附自助式早餐; 總宜汽車旅館 Tel (04) 2259-2277, 較近朝馬較便宜, 住2人附早餐$1560。)
他有幫忙尋問晚餐地點,建議在靜宜大學附近的竹林土雞城,他有去過,東西比東海 IBA (企研所餐廳)的好一點,價格略便宜點,一桌約$3000-$4000。
From: jc |
To: Huang
Sent: Frisday, October 11, 2002 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: time to confirm the program and attendees
Dear David,
I've called to Ms Blue and reserved a classroom for our activity. The room
can accommodate around 60 persons and the largest in the department. No
accessary facilities in the room, however, the department may loan the
accessary to us if we can confirm the activity time and make an appointment
with her since the office should be off that day. Beside, we only can
reserve the room for saturday. The department has been schedually reserved
the room for other activities that are opened for relatives of the chemistry
student. I think sunday would be a better environment if we want to have
mutual communication with the student and their parents.
My best,
From: Huang |
To: "PC Lyu"
Cc: "Chi 戚 明志-H"; "Chang張 HS華樞"; <>; "Liu Pay-horn"; <>; "Wang王 SB憲斌";
"kevin chao"; "Wu吳 肇峰"; "Lin Wei-Hua" <>;
"Chuang Kuan-Sheng" <>; "Chen Jyun-Hung";
"hycheng"; "Chuang莊振君 Chen-Chun"; "Tai戴嘉慧 Chia-Hui"; "Chou周's husband Metz Wan-Yan's husband James T."; "Chen
Jui-Chang"; "Wu吳 世冠"; "Lee李 榮興"; "Hsu Ching-Yun-O"; "Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強 Kevin"; "Lin林 WP維屏"; "Sheu許 KW坤旺"; "Lee李 重德Michael";
"Fang方 WP偉平"; "Liu劉 宏信"; "Huang"
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 12:16 AM
Subject: time to confirm the program and attendees
Thanks for the message.
You're right. It's about time for us to confirm the program and attendees.
From: PC Lyu |
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: 20週年同窗會文稿供刊載
> Dear David:
> 雄聯絡上了
> 他的手機應是 0938125009
> 我想我們應該確定最後program及參加名單了
> 找幾個人負責連絡其他幾個人
> 確定後再通知你
> Best,
> 阿江
10/06/2002 (Sun.) ~9:30-10:03 PM, 黃頂力 called 吳肇峰討論&請幫忙同窗會事項
10/06/2002 (Sun.) ~9:23-9:29 PM, 黃頂力 called 飛狼(Jack Wolfskin)露營旅遊用品公司 徐鴻煥董事長告之同窗會「東海人幫東海人」的理念
10/06/2002 (Sun.) ~8;58-9:19 PM, 黃頂力 called 許清雲討論&請幫忙同窗會事項
10/05/2002 (Sat.) ~8:14-10:26 PM, 黃頂力 called 陳瑞彰討論&請幫忙同窗會事項
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