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memo-2002-10-15-1 (晚餐地點&附近旅館)


From: Huang 

To: jc
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 1:20 AM
Subject: Thanks a lot for the help


Dear Arlarng,

Thanks a lot for the help. No one has asked for more hotel reservation so far.

I had already hunted
陳振智, but for some reason he denied he was the 陳振智 who graduated from Tunghai during a brief phone exchange. I called his wife (in the same school) to confirm this few minutes later. His wife was nice and passionate about our efforts to find him. Please don't tell anyone about this news yet. 



From: jc 

To: Huang 
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: Reunion Invitation--Tunghai Chem 1982


Dear David,
I've called the Chicken Town and Wu have made the reservation for us. Both of he and his wife are out of country, so that let me know if other classmates need to reserve a motel room.


From: Huang 

To: Lee李 士先;  Huang; Lee李 榮興; Wu吳 世冠; Chen Jui-Chang;; Liu劉 宏信; Hsu  Ching-Yun-O ; Tai戴嘉慧 Chia-Hui; Chuang莊振君 Chen-Chun; hycheng;; Chen Jyun-Hung; Chi 戚 明志-H; Chuang Kuan-Sheng; Lee李 重德Michael; Lin Wei-Hua; Wu吳 肇峰; Chi Robert-O; Lyu Ping-Chiang; Hsu Ching-Yun; kevin chao; Liu Pay-horn; Wang王 SB憲斌;
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 1:55 AM
Subject: Reunion dinner & hotel




Dear Classmates,


10/08/2002, ~9:05-45 AM: 吳肇峰 called. 謝謝他的幫忙

  1. 幫忙問到朝馬附近的旅館,住2人附早餐約$1560-$1800。若要訂房,請在本週六(10/18)之前告之(Tel: H 04-2631-8384, M: 0955-433478),因他週日(10/19)要出國,到十月底才回來。(10/20/2002 ~9:00-9:10 PM, 吳肇峰 called 黃頂力, 告之歐風旅館 Tel (04) 2259-9299, 2$1800附自助式早餐; 總宜汽車旅館 Tel (04) 2259-2277, 較近朝馬較便宜, 2人附早餐$1560。)

  2. 他有幫忙尋問晚餐地點,建議在靜宜大學附近的竹林土雞城,他有去過,東西比東海 IBA (企研所餐廳)的好一點,價格略便宜點,一桌約$3000-$4000,地圖如下。

  3. 晚餐若要飲酒助興,請自備酒。




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