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memo-2003-07-02 (戴嘉慧,莊洸賢,黃頂力emails有關周老師六十大壽聚會)


From: Huang 

To: cks

Cc: Wu吳 肇峰 ; Wu吳 世冠 ; Wang王 SB憲斌-O ; Wang王 SB憲斌-H ; Tai Chia-Hui; Tsui崔 德康 ; Shu束 Jeff光先 ; Sheu許 KW坤旺 ; Lyu Ping-Chiang ; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-O ; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-H ; Liu Pay-horn ; Lin林 俊男 ; Lin林 WP維屏 ; Lin Wei-Hua ; Lee李 榮興 ; Lee李 重德Michael ; Lee李 士先 ; Hsu Ching-Yun-O ; Fang方 WP偉平 ; Chung鍾 政達 ; Chuang莊 振君-China ; Chuang莊 振君Chen-Chun ; Chuang Kuan-Sheng ; Chou周's husband Metz Wan-Yin's husband James T. ; Chi 戚 明志-H ;  Chen陳 家明 ; Cheng鄭 秀瑤SY ; Chen Jyun-Hung ; Chen Jui-Chang ; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強-O ; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強-H ; Chang張 HS華樞 ; Huang Deeng-Lih-CU 
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 1:30 AM
Subject: 周老師六十大壽聚會-09/06/2003 (Sat.), Lunch at Taichung


Dear Kuang-Sheng, 

Thanks for your email. I can attend. Do we have a deadline for registration of this event?

I will post the email on the link
as some classmates' computers may not be able to read Chinese. You are welcome to pass me any information that you wish to post online. Index of this event will be

In addition to lunch, do we wish to give some souvenirs for Prof. Chou? Chia-Hui once mentioned an idea which I thought was pretty good. His idea was to collect photos related to Prof. Chou and his wife and make them into a photo book (or/and a CD). If we wish to do this, we need to act fast and ask everyone to dig out photos and send them to someone who is in charge of this.

Another idea was proposed by Chaw-Feng. Last month when I contacted with him, he suggested to make a 3-D computer carving of Prof. Chou's photo as a souvenir. He saw this technique over several years ago at department stores (of Japanese system) in Kaohsiung. 

Chaw-Feng also bought a magazine which has restaurant guide in Taichung. He has checked out 3 restaurants, but he thought they were not ideal. 

By the way, those who have email address are in the CC (closed copy) of this email. You may use reply-to-all or copy all email addresses to send emails to all classmates having email address.



From: cks

Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 5:15 PM
Subject: FW: 周老師六十大壽聚會


From: cks

To: chtai
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 5:08 PM
Subject: RE: 周老師六十大壽聚會


嘉慧 : 你好

首先 , 謝謝你的關心及上回協助頂立完成聚會後之光碟資料整理與燒錄 .

曾於 6/14 以電話與吳肇峰討論聚會事宜 , 但無結論 . 近日與周老師聯繫

, 日期已決定為 九月六日 中午聚餐 , 當日下午至晚餐期間更是大伙兒

free talk 之重頭戲(場地受參與人數影響 , 目前未定) 但願要參與的同學務

必於 七月三十一日 前確定並告知 (原則上 , 自行安排住宿問題) .

聚會背景說明(緣起) :

( 1 )
去年回東海參加 畢業二十週年 聚會時 , 由清雲與嘉慧提議 , 經在場同學附議後 , 進行規劃 .

( 2 )
良師益友難尋 , 願藉由周老師六十大壽之聚會 , 讓我們有再次受教並交換工作心得的機會 .

( 3 )
聚會地點 - - 台中 , 詳細場所待確定人數後選定(屆時歡迎熱心同學踴躍推荐) . 

( 4 )
此次聚會較不適合親子遊(舉家返國者例外) , 故隨行之家人 , 有勞自行安排其活動行程 .

由於 SARS 影響已受控制 , 安排出差或旅遊行程日益活絡 , 但願希望參加的同學能早日安排 ,

盡可能將 九月六日 空出 , 當然 , 如情況超 high , 不排除 九月七日 可續攤 . 於此再次誠懇邀請每

位同學共襄盛舉 , 如因時間不巧或其他因素未能參加 , 亦有勞你 re - mail 或電話告知 , 以利統計

人數 . 如有更好之意見 , 請不吝指教 . 聯絡電話 0935-356591 ( 莊 洸 賢 ) . 2003/7/2 .

可以參加 :                        不參加 :


From: chtai

Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 1:04 PM
Subject: 周老師六十大壽聚會


Dear 洸賢:





I Index I 報名表 Registration Form I  I