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memo-2002-12-09 (郵寄所有同窗會網站內容給戴嘉慧&聯絡做同窗會CD事宜) |
From: Huang |
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 11:00 PM
Subject: 3 more remarks regarding reunion CD
Dear Chia-Hui,
Thanks for the email. Three more remarks.
1. There was a photo not showed in Johnny Chen
陳家明's slide show during the reunion slide show section. He sent the photo (#7) to me with you as the Cc recipient in his email dated 10/30/2002 AM 11:42. Please check if you have received the email. Please include this photo (as photo #7) in his slide show. Thanks.
2. The photos in the link "12.
(1982 升旗典禮照片)" were not uploaded last time. It had been uploaded. Please make sure you have downloaded them.
3. Please double check the hyperlink function does work and all content and photos are included by clicking all the links in the "reunion index" and "photos' index" before you record them into CDs.
Thanks a lot.
From: chtai |
To: 'Huang'
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 7:22 AM
Subject: RE: some notes regarding reunion CD
Dear Deeng-Lih:
I have received your package and I will follow your instructions.
Talk to you later,
From: Huang |
To: Tai Chia-Hui
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 10:32 PM
Subject: some notes regarding reunion CD
Dear Chia-Hui,
You might have received two floppy disks which contain content of the whole reunion web site and DMs of Yijenjai that I sent you yesterday. Below are few things forgot to mention to you.
1. Re: 4.
The original name was "photos-1979_wuling_farm_trip," which was incorrect. It had been corrected to "photos-1979_chinjing_farm_trip," so had the names of the corresponding JPG photo files. Thus, please download and use these name changed JPG photo files in order to view these photos in its HTML page.
2. Re: 25. photos-1995_thu_men's_dorm
(1995 東海男生宿舍照片)
and 26. photos-1986-1991
WTC, NYC (1986-1991
The original photos were too big (over screen). They had been modified to smaller size (about the width of screen). Please download and use these modified photos.
3. Re: 5. 東海大學化學系24屆
(1982 年畢)
Home (舊 Home Page)
and 6. 東海風情錄:東海大學化學系24屆
(1982 年畢)
I forgot to include these two web pages in the floppy disks that I sent you. You may download them online. In order to have hyperlink function in the reunion index off-line, the downloaded HTMLs still need to use FrontPage to do hyperlink in the "reunion_index" page. Since the "5.
(1982 年畢)
Home" page contains JPG files, the folder containing these JPG files needs to be put in a correct folder, which I believe should be the folder [thu-chem-24].
4. Re: Jyh-Chyang Kevin Chao's photos and sending his reunion CD to Sharon Cheng
Kevin's slide show did not have his photos he sent over during the reunion. I dug out his emails and found the two emails below sending to you containing his photos.
(1) Email dated 10/23/2002 01:41 AM, I forwarded Kevin's two photos to you.
(2) Email dated 11/01/2002 3:52 AM, Kevin sent 11 photos to you and Sharon Cheng (I was the CC recipient).
Please check if you have received these two emails and make sure his photos are included in the reunion CD.
Moreover, Kevin stressed that "Please do not forget to give Sharon one more copy to give to me" in his email dated 11/01/2002 3:52 AM. Thus, please send his reunion CD to Sharon and put a remark asking her to give it to Kevin. Wish the chemistry may work between them again.
From: Huang |
戴嘉慧 Chia-Hui Tai
802 高雄市苓雅區德安街5巷10號7F-2
Tel: H (07) 716-3405
O (07) 731-0606x561
M: 0912-112-002
Dear Chia-Hui,
Enclosed please find two floppy disks and some DMs of 玉珍齋. These floppy disks contain whole content of the reunion web site except for photos, which you may download online.
The whole content of the reunion web site will have hyperlink function, including uploaded photos, if the corresponding content is put in the right folders, which is just as what I had done in these floppy disks.
The order of folders is: [thu-chem-24] --> [fig] --> [DLH] --> [WTC]
[thu-chem-24] --> put "all HTML files + [fig]" in this folder.
[fig] --> put "all JPG files + [DLH]" in this folder. (Please put all downloaded photo files in this folder except for the photos of WTC.)
[DLH] --> put "[WTC]" in this folder. (Enclosed in the floppy disk.)
[WTC] --> put "all JPG files of WTC" in this folder. (Enclosed in the floppy disk.)
DMs of 玉珍齋 may serve some protective function for CDs mailing to
classmates. The amount, however, may not be enough. You may want to use other
means of protection.
a lot for your help.
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