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memo-2002-11-17-2 (聯絡戴嘉慧做同窗會CD事宜)


From: Huang 

To: Tai Chia-Hui
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:02 AM
Subject: labels for the reunion CD's 




Dear Chia-Hui,

We may need to put a label on the reunion CD. Could you please buy some blank adhesive labels, print the following text on the labels, and put labels on the reunion CDs? Thanks.

台灣, 台中市, 東海大學化學系

24 (1982 年畢) 20週年同窗會


20th Anniversary Reunion (Class of 1982)
Department of Chemistry, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
November 2-3, 2002 (Saturday-Sunday)
Two days one night at Tunghai

It's unnecessary that these labels have to be the shape of CD. They can be any shape. Their purpose is simply to tell what is in the CD. If one label is not enough to include all text, two or more may be used.


Total amount of CD: 51 (classmates 43, teachers 6, and chemistry department 2).


I am wondering if all photos in the CD should have both JPG and PowerPoint formats. PowerPoint is good for displaying slide show, if a computer is not using Win XP system. However, if a computer has no PowerPoint installed, JPG, at least, will be able to display photos. The difference is that JPG cannot give a slide show effect in a computer that is not using Win XP system. We may think about whether both formats are to be included. If a CD space is not enough to put both formats, two or more may be used. The order of photos in the reunion web site is about right in general. You may follow its order. It may be a good idea to hire a part-time student to help. 




From: Huang 

To: Tai Chia-Hui
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 12:15 AM
Subject: latest directory print, web site materials in floppy disks, CD protection 




Dear Chia-Hui,

Few things forgot to mention to you over the phone earlier. Please also make the latest directory print copies for everyone. Please use the online version, as it will be the most updated one. Please send it along with the reunion CD.

I tried to use email to send folders, but it did not work. Thus, I will mail you the web site materials in floppy disks. I will send them to you few days after November 30, as it is the deadline for everyone to send me comments and suggestions for uploading to the web site. I will also send you some DM of
玉珍齋 left in the reunion. You may send them along with the CD. They may protect the CD from damage. If the protection is not enough, you may buy some hard folders for the CD.

Please also send all my floppy disks, including those given to you on the reunion days, back to me along with the reunion CD. Thanks.



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