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memo-2002-11-08-1 (周婉嬿寄email來跟大家問好, 歡迎到Chicago時來找她) |
From: Huang |
Tsui崔 德康; Shu束 Jeff光先; Chang張 HS華樞; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強 Kevin; Chen Jui-Chang; Chen Jyun-Hung; Cheng鄭 秀瑤SY; Chen陳 家明; Chi 戚 明志-H;
Chuang Kuan-Sheng; Chuang莊 振君Chen-Chun; Chuang莊 振君-China; Chung鍾 政達; Fang方 WP偉平; Hsu Ching-Yun-O; Huang Deeng-Lih; Lee李 士先; Lee李 重德Michael; Lee李 榮興; Lin Wei-Hua; Lin林 WP維屏; Lin林 俊男; Liu Pay-horn; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-O; Lyu Ping-Chiang; Sheu許 KW坤旺; Tai Chia-Hui; Wang王 SB憲斌; Wu吳 世冠; Wu吳 肇峰; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-H,,
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Dear Wan-Yin,
Thanks for your email. Thanks should go to everyone involved in this reunion, and one did not necessarily have to come to the reunion to be involved. The important elements might be heart and feeling.
Thanks for sending Chia-Hui an email. It will not be too late to send your photos to Chia-Hui. The deadline was set by a human, and it always can be modified by a human too. So don't worry about the deadline. Please take your time to do your photo selection and scanning. We would like to see good quality and memorable photos.
It would be wonderful if you and your family can come to Prof. Chou's 60th birthday reunion next year. However, I don't know when and where it will be at this moment. Kuang-Seng Chuang is in charge of this event. He and Chin-Yun Hsu will find out when Prof. Chou's birthday is. Will let you know as soon as it is known.
By the way, do you have any info regarding Bi-Fen Chen, Shey-Feng Lai, Yuan Lin and Yang-Min Su? They are missing and could not be reached.
From: |
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 1:15 PM
Subject: (no subject)
Dear Deeng-Lih,
Thank you for your promply replied email.
I forgot to thank you for making our 20th reunion possible. Sorry that I didn't thank you in my last email for doing all the work. That's a lot of time and energy involved. I guess we made the right choice to elect you as our student representative in our senior year. Who else can be a better person to do this?
I love to hear more from everyone and can't wait to see everyone's pictures. Twenty years is a LONG time. I just can't believe that time goes so fast.
I have sent Chia-Hui an email and will send him some pictures in a day or so. I hope it won't be too late. But it will be fine if I miss the deadline.
Thank you again for your effort before and after the reunion. As you mentioned, I hope our reunion will be better and better each year.
Jim Metz
422 Cross Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
(H) 847 - 263 - 1514
(W) 847 - 936 - 0441
PS. When will be the potential date for our next reunion? (You didn't tell me when is
Dr. Chou's birthday). Jim and I usually come home every other year. If I know ahead of time, I may be able to arrange the time of travel.
From: Huang |
To: Chou周's husband Metz Wan-Yin's husband James T.
Tsui崔 德康; Shu束 Jeff光先; Chang張 HS華樞; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強 Kevin; Chen Jui-Chang; Chen Jyun-Hung; Cheng鄭 秀瑤SY; Chen陳 家明; Chi 戚 明志-H;
Chuang Kuan-Sheng; Chuang莊 振君Chen-Chun; Chuang莊 振君-China; Chung鍾 政達; Fang方 WP偉平; Hsu Ching-Yun-O; Huang Deeng-Lih; Lee李 士先; Lee李 重德Michael; Lee李 榮興; Lin Wei-Hua; Lin林 WP維屏; Lin林 俊男; Liu Pay-horn; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-O; Lyu Ping-Chiang; Sheu許 KW坤旺; Tai Chia-Hui; Wang王 SB憲斌; Wu吳 世冠; Wu吳 肇峰; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-H,,
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 12:48 AM
Subject: Re: Reunion!
Dear Wan-Yin,
Thanks for the email and regards to all classmates. I am very pleased to hear from you. Even though the 20th anniversary reunion did not proceed as expected, but it was OK. It is believed that things will be better next time, as we have learned some experience this time. There were 21 classmates (total of 53 people including family members) came to the reunion. Only four classmates (9%) were missing and could not be reached. Please see for detail.
We sent emails regarding reunion to your husband's old email address from the very beginning of the reunion preparation. Since we had never got any rely from you, I decided to sent you a letter. The forwarding service of the US post office is a great service. Thanks to this service, the reunion letter was eventually able to be received by you.
Glad to learn your and your family's recent development. Sharon told us about your visit to Tunghai last year. That's the reason why we had your address info.
As you may know, we will record photos of everyone, photos taken during the reunion and all materials in the reunion web site into a CD. A picture may be worth a thousand words. There is still time to send your photos to be recorded into the 20th anniversary reunion CD. You may send them via email, which is preferred or via regular airmail. Presumably the airmail option will be sending paper photos, which will be
sent back to you along with the reunion CD. Please also include a brief introduction for every photo, if you could. Please send photos to Chia-Hui Tai below. You are welcome to write anything to be recorded into the reunion CD too.
戴嘉慧 Chia-Hui Tai
802 高雄市苓雅區德安街5巷10號7F-2
7F-2, No. 10, Alley 5,
Der-An St.
Kaohsiung 802
Tel: H (07) 716-3405
O (07) 731-0606x561
M: 0912-112-002
Professor Teh-Chang Chou will be 60 years old next year. Thus, we decided to have another reunion next year to celebrate Professor Chou's 60th birthday. Kuang-Sheng Chuang volunteered to take charge of this event. It will be held sometime close to Professor Chou's birthday next year.
I was in Chicago once when the ACS annual meeting was held there in 1993. I had good impression about Chicago in that visit. I liked the city's architect and the Chicago Institute of Arts. I felt Chicago seemed to be a mini copy of New York City in many aspects. I may visit you should I have an opportunity.
From: |
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 11:13 AM
Subject: Reunion!
Hi, Deeng-Lih,
It was quite a surprise to receive the info. regarding our reunion today (11/8/02). I am sorry that I have missed the chance to see everyone. I appreciate you sending me the schedule and I would have loved to come. How was it? How many people showed up? If I can see everyone's pictures - to say the least. Please do give my regards to our old classmates.
Jim (my husband) and I have moved to north of Chicago a couple of months ago. That's the reason why I received your letter today. Jim is a computational chemist and he is working for Abbott Pharmaceutical Co. I am a staying home mom with our almost 4 year old son (Nathan). I would love to get back to work next year but am not sure if I can find a part time job.
Jim, Nathan, and I visited Tung Hai last summer. It was my first visit after leaving Tung Hai in 1883. It was very emotional for me. I wish I knew how to describe it in English.
Anyway, I need to take Nathan to bed now. Please do drop me a line or two and let me know how you and others are doing. Take care.
Jim Metz
422 Cross Road
Gurnee, IL 60031
(H) 847 - 263 - 1514
(W) 847 - 936 - 0441
PS. If you or others are coming this way, please do visit us. We are an hour north of Chicago.
I saw the picture of you and I - I am sure getting old, now.
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