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memo-2002-10-31-4 (戴嘉慧幫忙update通訊錄, 做Slide Show, 請許清雲帶一台Win XP NB)


From: Huang

To: chtai 

Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 01:46 AM
Subject: Re: Updated通訊錄

Dear Chia-Hui,


Thanks for the info. I have updated and uploaded it onto the reunion web site. Please use the online version of directory. The directory you sent me was not the most updated one.

Thanks for the regards. Chin-Yun will visit Cheng Kung University tomorrow. He will meet with me tomorrow evening.


From: chtai

To: Huang

Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: RE: Updated通訊錄

Dear Deeng-Lih:

林俊男called me to correct his email address and put his cell phone number in our directory. I have updated it and attached it with this email.

I am not able to meet you tomorrow, hope to see you next time.




註:附上 the latest updated 通訊錄 as a WinWord document.


From: Huang

To: chtai
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: Updated通訊錄

Dear Chia-Hui,


Thanks a lot. I have updated and uploaded it on the reunion web site. The data in the web site may contain some more info as the directory you used was not the most updated one by the reunion day. Thus, please use the online version ( for distribution. Thanks. 

I will exhibit at an Expo at Cheng Kung University this Thursday and Friday. I have not done anything on this exhibition yet. I need time to prepare for the exhibition. As a result, I will not be able to work on the reunion web site materials and give it to you until I am back from the expo. You may first work on the printing of directory, photos taken during the reunion, the reunion account summary (including the repair of Chin-Yun's notebook), and mailing address labels.


From: chtai

To: Huang

Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 9:32 AM
Subject: Updated通訊錄

Dear Deeng-Lih:

Please find the latest updated


註:附上 the latest updated 通訊錄 as a WinWord document.


  1. 11/01/2002 (Fri.) ~2:15 PM, 戴嘉慧 called 黃頂力,

  1. 11/01/2002 (Fri.) ~5:15-5:30 PM, 戴嘉慧 called 黃頂力,說他回家試家裡的電腦才發現要 Windows XP 才可直接放映看 jpg。他家裡的電腦不是 Windows XP,學校的是。黃頂力告訴戴嘉慧說他有試他自己的電腦 (是Windows ME), 也是無法直接放映看 jpg。戴嘉慧說他明天要帶去同窗會的 notebook 不是 Windows XP,他說可以重灌 Windows XP。黃頂力告之他的電腦過去常 email 中毒,常重灌,重灌不只是重灌 Windows XP,連其他的一些應用軟體都要重灌,要花很長時間,而且很麻煩。戴嘉慧說他只好晚上做 PowerPoint,看能做多少算多少。

  2. 11/01/2002 (Fri.) ~5:32 PM, 黃頂力 called 戴嘉慧大哥大 0921-112-002,結果接電話的人說打錯,沒有戴嘉慧這個人。

  3. 11/01/2002 (Fri.) ~5:33-5:34 PM, 黃頂力 called 戴嘉慧家 (07-716-3405),他家人說他現在可能在另一個電話,可打去。

  4. 11/01/2002 (Fri.) ~5:34-5:37 PM, 黃頂力 called 戴嘉慧 (07-716-4201),告之剛打他的大哥大0921-112-002,結果發現號碼不對。他說應該是 0912-112-002 (至此才發現先前寄出的 emails 和同窗會通知也都不對)。黃頂力請戴嘉慧可到學校搬一台 Windows XP 電腦去,週末沒人用,借用應沒問題,只要搬主機、鍵盤和滑鼠,不需要銀幕,有車子載很方便。

  5. 11/01/2002 (Fri.) ? PM, 戴嘉慧 called 黃頂力,說他已連絡許清雲,許清雲有一台 notebookWindows XP,許清雲已離開學校車子開到半路,還會再開回學校去拿那台 notebook,明天會帶去同窗會。

From: Huang

To: chtai

Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 5:23 AM
Subject: Re: 通訊錄-available online

Dear Chia-Hui,


It's available online in the reunion web site. Would you please copy that online? Thanks. 

By the way, please also bring an extension cord to the reunion just in case we might need it.


From: chtai

To: Huang

Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 2:44 PM
Subject: 通訊錄

Dear Deeng-Lih:


Where can find the latest通訊錄? I printed out the info once, but I did not save it as a file. Could you send it or tell me where it is located?

Many thanks,



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