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memo-2002-10-30-3 (聯絡吳肇峰同窗會事宜) |
11/02/2002 (Sat.) ~9:25 AM. 吳肇峰 called
告之有 emailed 給他,他說還沒看電腦。
告之束光先有 emailed 照片來,屆時請他介紹束光先的照片。他說他也有放入2張他過去去束光先美國家的照片。告之束光先也有提到他有去束美國家的照片。
他問束光先有沒有提到11月是否回台。告之束光先有提到與 UC Riverside 的一位教授可能來。
From: Huang |
To: Wu吳 肇峰
Tai Chia-Hui; Chen Jui-Chang; Wu吳 世冠
Sent: Thursday. October 31 2002, AM 02:59 AM
Subject: arrive on Saturday, budget
Dear Chau-Feng,
I think I will arrive at Tunghai on Saturday morning as I need more time to prepare things for the reunion. Please take care of
報到, 收公費 and 通訊錄
update at 10 AM on Saturday. I will try to be there by 10 AM too. You are the
手機連絡人 too. You may be called for asking questions such as direction, etc.
Right now the total numbers of attendees are:
Adults 34 (21男13女, including Prof. Chow),
Children 22 (15男7女, 8 big, 4 medium, 10 small).
The total beget we may have is $33,000. Below are the breakdown of budget. Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome.
Dinner: <$24,000 (it's better to keep below, as we may need spare money for other affairs)
茶點, 獎品: $5,000
水果, 飲料, 紙杯,
紙盤, 紙巾: $2,000
Slide Show, CDs, copy, mails: $2000
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