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memo-2002-10-29-4 (張華樞不能來,還有一單房,還需一手提電腦,戴嘉慧將帶一手提電腦來,阿江要一單房,問阿郎陳瑞彰能否住房)


From: Huang

To: Chen Jui-Chang
Sent: Tuesday, November  05, 2002 3:17 PM
Subject: Fw:  Can you take 3小x1+單x1 rooms in the Alumni Hotel


Dear Arlarng,

I just found that this email I intended to send to you was sent to other person, who is a friend of mine at Columbia Univ.



From: Huang

To: "Chen Arh-Hwang" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 2:59 AM
Subject: Can you take 3小x1+單x1 rooms in the Alumni Hotel


Dear Arlarng,

阿江 sent me an email today and said that he would attend the reunion by himself. 3x1+x1 had been reserved for him in the very beginning as I though all of his family members would come. We got the last minute room cancellations from 張華樞 followed by 阿江. I would like to ask whether you
can take 3
x1+x1 or just 3x1 and I take x1? If you can take 3x1+x1, I will stay at Chau-Feng Wu's house.

By the way, I think I will arrive at Tunghai on Saturday morning as I need more time to prepare things for the reunion.

Right now the total numbers of attendees are:
Adults 34 (21
13, including Prof. Chow),
Children 22 (15
7, 8 big, 4 medium, 10 small).

The total budget we may have is $33,000. Below are the breakdown of budget. Your comments and suggestions are more than welcome.

Dinner: <$24,000 (it's better to keep below, as we may need spare money for other affairs)
茶點, 獎品: $5,000
水果, 飲料, 紙杯, 紙盤, 紙巾: $2,000
Slide Show, CDs, copy, mails: $2000



From: Huang

To: PC Lyu
Sent: Thursay, October 31, 2002 01:49  AM
Subject: Re: 張華樞不能來, a single room available, one more notebook needed


Dear 阿江,

x1+x1 had been reserved for you in the very beginning as I though all of your family members would come. If you just need one room, it's OK. I will ask Arlarng see if he can take the rest.



From: "PC Lyu"

To: "Huang"
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: 張華樞不能來, a single room available, one more notebook needed


> Dear David:
> I will attend by myself. I can take whatever room available.
> Best,


From: Huang

To: Tai 
Sent: Thursay, October 31, 2002 01:58  AM
Subject: Thanks a lot


Dear Chia-Hui,

Thanks a lot for the info, and thanks for bringing a notebook over too.



From: Tai 

To: Huang
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 07:47  AM
Subject: RE: 郭先民's home address is incorrect


Dear Deeng-Lih:

I have
郭先民's correct home address as follows: 807 高雄市三民區寶興路82-12 6. His cell phone No. is 0929-564-265 and he will attend reunion with his wife and kid(s). By the way, I will bring a notebook on Saturday.
See you then,



From: Huang 

To: Tsui崔 德康; Shu束 光先; Liu劉 Hunghsin宏信-H; Chung鍾 政達; Lin林 俊男; Chi 戚 明志-H; Chang張 HS華樞; PC Lyu; Liu Pay-horn;; Wang王 SB憲斌; kevin chao; Wu吳 肇峰; Lin Wei-Hua; Chuang Kuan-Sheng; Chen Jyun-Hung; hycheng; Tai戴嘉慧 Chia-Hui; Chou周's husband Metz Wan-Yan's husband James T.; Chen Jui-Chang; Wu吳 世冠; Lee李 榮興; Hsu Ching-Yun-O; Chao趙 Jyh-chyang志強 Kevin; Lin林 WP維屏; Sheu許 KW坤旺; Lee李 重德Michael; Fang方 WP偉平; Liu劉 宏信; Lee李 士先; Chen陳 家明; Chuang莊 振君Chen-Chun; Chuang莊 振君-China; Huang

Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 3:10 AM
Subject: 張華樞不能來, a single room available, one more notebook needed


Dear Classmates,

張華樞公司臨時有事必須去大陸, 無法參加同窗會 ( Thus, we have a single room available at the Alumni Hotel (the other one has been reserved for Professor Chow). Anyone is welcome to take the room. 

We also need one more notebook for the Slide Show (
張華樞 originally will bring one over). We will appreciate anyone who can help to bring a notebook over.

In addition to
趙志強, 吳肇峰 and 方偉平, four more classmates (束光先, 陳俊宏, 陳家明 and 莊振君) emailed photos over. Please check their emails in the reunion web site ( 



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