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memo-2002-10-29-2 (地猴陳家明 emailed 照片來) |
From: Huang |
To: "Johnny Chen"
Cc: Tai Chia-Hui
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 02:45 AM
Subject: Re: Photos & Remarks
Dear Johnny,
Thanks for sending the photo #7. We don't have manpower for typing, among others, at all. Your handwriting is excellent. Please don't worry about
this. I enjoy reading it.
From: "Johnny Chen" |
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: Photos & Remarks
> Dear David / C.H.,
> If it's possible ( manpower enough
> ? ) , I would prefer to type my briefing as original manuscript is very
> disordered.
> Rgds,
> Johnny
> Photo#7:
> (See attached file: tmp291.jpg)
註:地猴陳家明在這個 email 很有耐心的附上1張大記憶檔案的照片 來,將在同窗會時放映,請拭目以待。
From: Huang |
To: "Johnny Chen"
Cc: Tai Chia-Hui
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures
Dear Johnny,
Thanks a lot. I have received these three emails with total of 13 photos: part I, 6 photos; II, 5; III, 2 + 4
briefing scans. There seemed to miss one photo (#7) according to your briefing of photos.
Thanks for the regards. I will give you a call if I have an opportunity to visit your turf.
From: "Johnny Chen" |
To: <>; "Huang" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Photos & Remarks
> As below notice, I have divided original mail into 3 subgroups ( Part
> I,II & III) by another three mails , please check that and inform me if
> still any problem.
> Rgds,
> Johnny
From: "Johnny Chen" |
To: <>; "Huang" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: Photos & Remarks- - - Part III
> (See attached file: tmp297.jpg)(See attached file: tmp298.jpg)(See attached
> file: tmp300.jpg)(See attached file: tmp301.jpg)(See attached file:
> tmp302.jpg)(See attached file: tmp303.jpg)
註:地猴陳家明在這個 email 很有耐心的附上2張大記憶檔案的照片、和4張手寫的照片簡介 scans 來,將在同窗會時放映,請拭目以待。
From: "Johnny Chen" |
To: <>; "Huang" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Photos & Remarks - - - Part II
> (See attached file: tmp292.jpg)(See attached file: tmp293.jpg)(See attached
> file: tmp294.jpg)(See attached file: tmp295.jpg)
> (See attached file: tmp296.jpg)
註:地猴陳家明在這個 email 很有耐心的附上5張大記憶檔案的照片來,將在同窗會時放映,請拭目以待。
From: "Johnny Chen" |
To: "Johnny Chen" <>
Cc: <>; "Huang" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: Photos & Remarks - - Part I
Total 5.31 MB in the *.jpg file ; It will be 4.96 MB if to zip it ,
therefore, not to compact with less saving. ( If to transform into *.ppt file, it will consume more space.)
Hope to contact me when you get opportunity to Chu-Pei. so that... whatever it depends on you .
註:地猴陳家明在這個 email 很有耐心的附上6張大記憶檔案的照片來,將在同窗會時放映,請拭目以待。
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