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memo-2002-10-29-1 (陳俊宏 emailed 照片來) |
From: Huang |
To: "Chen, Jyun-Hung"
Cc: Tai Chia-Hui
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures
Dear Jyun-Hung,
How are you doing? I am very pleased to hear from you. Thanks for sending the PowerPoint. It would be better if we can have more of your photos.
However, we will be able to see you in more than one picture during the reunion slide show, as I just dug out some photos taken at Tunghai when we
were relatively fit and young today.
We will send you the reunion CD when it's done. Please check your mailing address below and see if it is still correct.
H: 7614 Palmilla Dr., #58, San Diego, CA 92122, USA
Phone: H (858) 455-7734
From: "Chen, Jyun-Hung" |
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 3:10 AM
Subject: Slide for Reunion
> Dear Professor Tai:
> How are you doing? These days, I have received lots of e-mails from
> Deeng-Lih regarding the reunion. I realized that how much time and efforts
> he has put in for this special event. Although I can't go back in time to
> attend the reunion, I would like to express my thanks to Deeng-Lih, you and
> all others who participate in organizing this special 20th years' reunion.
> Attached is a PowerPoint file of a slide edited from C & EN News for the
> slide show.
> <<Chen and Wasserman.ppt>>
> Wish the reunion is a successful one.
> Best Regards,
> Jyun-Hung
> Jyun-Hung Chen, Ph. D.
> Department of Medicinal Chemistry
> Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
> 10275 Science Center Drive
> San Diego, CA 92121
> Tel: (858) 550-4428
> Fax:(858) 550-7249
註:陳俊宏在這個 email 附一張照片來 ,將在同窗會時放映,請拭目以待。
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