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memo-2002-10-27-1 (束光先 emailed 照片)


From: Huang

To: Jeff Shu

Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 04:57 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures

Dear Jeff,

Thanks a lot for sending one more photo. It's great. I have forwarded it to Chia-Hui Tai.

I just finished uploading some photos in the reunion web site. You may check the reunion index to see these photos.



From: Huang

To: Tai Chia-Hui

Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 04:54 AM
Subject: One more photo from Jeff Shu

Dear Chia-Hui,

Here is one more photo from Jeff Shu. Please add this photo to his PowerPoint. Please also include the line of memo below under the photo in the PowerPoint.

"Picture of my son, taken on summer 2001 in Vancouver, before he went to college..."


From: Jeff Shu

To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures

> One more picture attached... if you still have space...
> Picture of my son, taken on summer 2001 in Vancouver, before he went to
> college...
> Now I am fulfill your 12 pictures requirement, and have portrait of all my
> family member.

> Jeff


註:束光先在這個 email 附一張照片來,將在同窗會時放映,請拭目以待。


From: Huang

To: Jeff Shu

Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 12:48 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures

Dear Jeff,

Thanks for the email. You are more than welcome to send more pictures as we can put everything into more than one CD.

If a computer is a vehicle, I may be a rider for a bicycle but not a driver for a car yet. You may be an expert driver or a mechanic for a car.

Your suggestions about photos are helpful and well received for a computer idiot like me. I've just tried to use the reunion web site to chronicle the history of the 20th anniversary reunion in a well-organized manner. Thus, it may have a flavor that is more like a documentary film.

I used to visit the US once or twice a year. But in my last trip to the US during March of this year I bought one-way ticket back to TW instead of round -trip tickets as I did before. Thus, I am not sure when will visit LA next time. Will let you know earlier if I am going to LA. And thanks for trying to fit in my schedule then.



From: Jeff Shu

To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures

> Dear David,
> I do have a lot of pictures with me, but I'd rather leave the space to the
> others... I am looking forward seeing the others' photo in the CD you are
> going to send to us...
> I think you are very good with computer already... For my work, computer
> almost like part of my life, since I am doing control/automation work. In
> our job, computer is necessary for central control (DCS), DAS, and


From: Huang

To: Jeff Shu

Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures

Dear Jeff,

Thanks a lot for the info. I am a computer idiot. It's very helpful. We should do as you suggested. The problem would be the speed of connection in sending the photos as you mentioned. I am using a 56K modem connection, which is slow. I may just copy the photos in floppy disks and give them to Chia-Hui Tai for remaking the PowerPoint to be stored in the reunion CD.

Since Chia-Hui Tai is in charge of making the Slide Show, I am also sending this email to him as a Cc recipient.

Your Slide Show was the very first PowerPoint slide show I've ever tried. It's simple enough that a computer idiot like me could do it from scratch.

You can email more photos over if you could. You can send them directly to Chia-Hui Tai ( too so that he can make them with your high resolution photos directly.



From: "Jeff Shu"

To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures

>Dear David,
> I know that you can reduce the size of the pictures... However, from the
> screen (72dpi equivalent), you can't really tell the difference between high
> quality compression and medium, but if you need to print them out, it is
> quiet different! I suggest that if it is possible, we make a CD with a
> powerpoint slideshow alone with all the e-mailed/scanned photos on a CD,
> since one CD is capable of storing 700MB files, which is more than enough to
> store more than 300 pictures with 6"x4.5", 350dpi (same as a 5MP digital
> camera with the highest resolution and detail!) This way, if any of us want
> to print out the photos of the others or even enlarge some of the pictures,
> he can send out to do so. What do you think? However, these may require a
> high speed connection. Otherwise, they will end up like me taking hours to
> send those pictures...
> Remember, a acceptable photo print requires at least 150 dpi resolution, and
> 300 dpi is good for 8 x 10" enlargement!
> Jeff
> BTW, thanks for the slideshow... :=)


From: Huang

To: Jeff Shu

Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 2:26 AM
Subject: Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures

Dear Jeff,

Thanks a lot for sending wonderful pictures and briefing your recent development. Attached please find the Slide Show that I made with PowerPoint, including memo of each picture under each picture. There are 11 pictures in the order as you sent. Please see if it's good.

I found the size of the pictures could be reduced significantly by procedures below.

1. Copied the pictures to a new Photoshop file.

2. Made the pictures better by clicking "Image" --> "Adjust"--> "Auto contrast" and "Auto level" in the Photoshop.

3. Saved files as JEPG and chose medium resolution, which was the key and the resolutions in the PowerPoint were almost the same (I did a head-to-head comparison test of two pictures already).

4. The size of files was thus reduced. An example of size reduction: Original size of picture 3, the largest size of your pictures, was 940 KB. The size was reduced to 154 KB.

5. The size of files could be further reduced.

6. Opened a PowerPoint and inserted the picture to a new file.

7. Copied the picture to a new Photoshop file.

8. Saved the file as JEPG and chose medium resolution, which was the key and the resolutions in the PowerPoint were virtually the same (I did a head-to-head comparison test of two pictures already).

9. The size of the file was thus reduced. An example of further reduction: First reduction size of picture 3 was 154 KB, now the size was 111 KB.

Thus, next time when you want to send your photos, you may use the above procedures to reduce the size and, thus, reduce time of sending and receiving.

Chau-Feng Wu is currently on a business trip to China and Vietnam and will not be back until the end of October. I will ask him about your photos and to introduce your photos during the slide show.

I am glad to learn that you are leading a decent life, have a wonderful family, and are very proud of your family.

It's good to know that you now live by a hill distance of my high school pal's house. I may simply wave hands to say hello to you from my pal's house in my next trip to LA.



From: "Jeff Shu"

To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: Tunghai Reunion--very pleased to hear from you

> Thanks David,
> Since I am traveling, and I only bring a photo CD of my family with me here, I
> can only send you through e-mail. I can also send you my CD and have you to
> go through the whole thing finding what ever you think is appropriate too,
> but I think the time may not enough... :=(
> I will start sending you some of my photos when I have time in the next few
> days... Chiao-Fen Wu knows everything about me, and also have some photos
> last time when he visited us.
> I now live on a small hill west from your high school pal. If he can see
> the west side from his house, he can probably see me in my house as well...
> :=)
> Below is some of my current information. I am working in UC Riverside,
> college of engineering, center for environmental research and technology
> (CE-CERT). I did part time teaching on optical instrument design and
> control and system automation. This fall, I will work with my center
> director to form a company, FuelCellVision, in promoting the new technology.
> I have 3 kids now: Francy Shu, Caltech 3rd year student (biochem); Henry
> Shu, Caltech 2nd year student (ECE); Jerry Shu, kindergarten. Maybe will
> get the 4th one later... (Haven't got time to think about this yet...)
> Francy got the california science award (equivalent to Westinghouse/Intel
> Science award) 2 years in the row. Henry got once as well, and he was the
> captain of US Math Team in high school. I will share some of their pictures
> with you all if I have some with me here... Right now they both have 4.0
> GPA and full scholarship in the college. The stupid and old daddy is very
> proud of their achievements. Not like their father!
> Jeff


註:束光先在這個 email 後很有耐心的連續寄了11個大記憶檔案的 emails 來,每個 email 附一張照片來 (因為他在旅途中,電腦寄 email 空間有限),並加上該張照片的簡介,共 emailed 11張照片來,將在同窗會時放映,請拭目以待。


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