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memo-2002-10-24-2 (卡子劉宏信 emailed 說周德璋老師沒收到同窗會通知)


From: Huang 

To: Chow周 德璋 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 12:24 AM
Subject: 預告與誠摯邀請各位老師屆時能蒞臨指導畢業20週年同窗會


Dear Professor Chow,

As with the previous email, your email address in this email was incorrect (as chetcc@ccunix.ccu). I am forwarding this email to you again, even though it was originally sent on 09/02/2002. Sorry about the mistake.



From: Huang 

To: Chow周 德璋 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 12:23 AM
Subject: Fw: Reunion Invitation--Tunghai Chem 1982


Dear Professor Chow,

I am forwarding this email to you again as Hunghsin Liu told me today that you had not received the reunion info.

I just checked your email address from the emails being sent to you and found that the email address was incorrect (as chetcc@ccunix.ccu). I guess I did not copy the complete email address. Sorry about the mistake. The invitation letter was also sent to you via regular mail to your department. 

Kwang-Shang Chuang told me that you would come to the reunion several days ago.



From: Huang

To: l0112 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 12:30 AM
Thanks for the info

Dear Hunghsin,

Thanks for the info. Prof. Chow's phone and fax numbers are new, but his email is the same. I already sent him info via email and regular mail. 

Wait! I just checked the emails being sent to Prof. Chow and found that the email address was incorrect (as chetcc@ccunix.ccu). I guess I did not copy the complete email address. I have sent him an email again.

I would like to thank you again. You email provides me an opportunity to find out the mistake regarding Prof. Chow's email address in my computer. 



From: l0112 

To: Huang 
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:06 PM
Subject: RE: Reunion Invitation--Tunghai Chem 1982

dear david
昨天我去中正大學化學暨生物化學系碰到周老師,他說未收到你的資訊,他有給我新資料,電話:05-2428116; 05-2720411~66400 


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