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memo-2002-10-18-2 (Thanks-Help Needed & Hunting Classmates)


From: Huang 

To: 鍾Chung 政達; 林Lin 俊男; Chen陳 家明; Lee李 士先; Huang; Lee李 榮興; Wu吳 世冠; Chen Jui-Chang;; Liu劉 宏信; Hsu  Ching-Yun-O ; Tai戴嘉慧 Chia-Hui; Chuang莊振君 Chen-Chun; Chuang莊振君-China; hycheng;; Chen Jyun-Hung; Chi 戚 明志-H; Chuang Kuan-Sheng; Lee李 重德Michael; Lin Wei-Hua; Wu吳 肇峰; Chi Robert-O; Lyu Ping-Chiang; Hsu Ching-Yun; kevin chao; Liu Pay-horn; Wang王 SB憲斌;
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 1:16 AM
Subject: Thanks-Help needed, hunting classmates



Dear Classmates,


In addition to 張華樞, 非常謝謝吳世冠, 呂平江 & 陳瑞彰見義勇為拔刀相助, 主動幫忙事項如下



  1. 手機連絡人(112-3日同窗會期間手機隨時待命,可連絡到詢問問題)2-3(吳肇峰 0955-433-478, )

  2. 帶電腦 Notebook2 (張華樞, 呂平江)

  3. 報到, 收公費, 通訊錄 update1-2(吳肇峰, )

  4. 財務組1人 

  5. 通訊錄 update & 印發 (可上網的人可直接到網站存取)1-2人 (戴嘉慧, )

  6. 買飲料、紙杯、紙盤、紙巾1-2(吳世冠, 陳瑞彰)

  7. 買水果1-2(吳世冠, 陳瑞彰)

  8. 買茶點1-2(黃頂力, )

  9. Slide Show 表演獎品1-2 (也可用「玉珍齋」的整盒糕點當獎品)

  10. 集體訂購帶回家的名產或紀念品 (如「玉珍齋」的糕點)1-2

  11. 寫真組1-2(戴嘉慧, )


Re: Hunting Classmates

林盛純 was hunted today. The hunted yield is 72% (31/43) and the registration yield is 47%-49% (20/43-21/43) so far (please see the link at Please help to hunt these classmates below.

有回覆聯絡到但還沒確定報名參加的同學 (3)黎昌雄、林維屏、王憲斌。

至今還沒有回覆聯絡到的同學 (5)陳俊宏、周婉嬿、簡皓瑋、劉沛宏、崔德康。

失聯同學 (7)陳碧芬、陳振智、許朝金、賴雪峰、林元、束光先、蘇陽明。




From: Huang

To: jc 

Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: Help needed--同窗會分工合作


Dear Arlarng,

Thanks a lot for the help. Will let you know how many and what to buy when it is ready.

By the way, any news regarding Supper and Weapon?



From: jc 

To: Huang

Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: Help needed--同窗會分工合作


I can take items 5 and 6.



From: Huang

To: PC Lyu 

Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 12:29 AM
Subject: Thanksa alot- Help needed--同窗會分工合作


Dear PC,

Thanks a lot for the help. I just think of one thing. We may also need an extension cord. It would be excellent if you could please bring one. If you couldn't, please let me know, I will try to ask others. Thanks.

By the way, any news regarding
黎昌雄, and 劉沛宏 and 簡皓瑋 in Hsinchu?



From: "PC Lyu" <>

To: "Huang"
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: Help needed--同窗會分工合作


> Dear David:
> I can bring notebook.
> PC


From: Huang

To: skwu 

Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 11:04 PM
Subject: Re:
回信: Help needed--同窗會分工合作


Dear Shi-Kwang,

Thanks a lot for the help and message. Will let you know how many and what to buy when it is ready.




To: Huang 
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 8:40 AM
Subject: 回信: Help needed--同窗會分工合作


Dear Deeng-Lih: 

Thanks for your email. I can bring drinks, tableware (cups, paper dishes, napkin and forks) and part of fruits. Just let me know the amount we need and the fruits. By the way, the programs I would like to join are in the attached file. Thanks. 

Best Wishes, 

Shih-Kwang (


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