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memo-2002-08-30 (校園導覽費更正, 提醒邀約來參加同窗會&吳世冠's email)


From: Huang 

To: Hsu Ching-Yun-O ; Lee李 榮興 ; Wu吳 世冠 ; Chen Jui-Chang ; ; Liu劉 宏信 ; Tai戴嘉慧 Chia-Hui ; Chuang莊振君 Chen-Chun ; hycheng ; ; Chen Jyun-Hung ; Chi 戚 明志-H ; Chuang Kuan-Sheng ; Lee李 重德Michael ; Lin Wei-Hua ; Wu吳 肇峰 ; Chi Robert-O ; Lyu Ping-Chiang ; kevin chao ; Wang王 SB憲斌 ; ; Liu Pay-horn ; Huang ; 
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2002 12:25 AM
Subject: Correction of yesterday's email-Re: Reply from the Alumni Office



The charge of the Tunghai campus tour guide for two hours should be NT$600 instead of NT$200 in yesterday's email

昨天 email 有關(3) 校園巡禮, 一名學生導覽校園 2小時應為 NT$600, 而不是 NT$200。 

Below is the correction: 

(3) 校園巡禮:

A: 學校現有專門的學生社團在做校園導覽介紹,一名學生導覽校園 2小時 NT$600 (not $200),屆時若需要可幫忙安排。 

By the way, please do come to the reunion with your family and register as early as you could. If you could make contact with any of our classmates, please pass the reunion info to them. Please check out the web site for the latest reunion info. It will be updated from time to time. 



From: Huang 

To: "Shih-Kwang Wu"
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2002 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: Tunghai Chem 24 reunion


Dear Shih-kwang,

Thanks for message. I am very pleased to hear from you. How are you doing? Please do come to the reunion. Please register as early as you could. If you could make contact with any of our classmates, please pass the reunion info to them.



From: "Shih-Kwang Wu"

To: "Huang"
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: Tunghai Chem 24 reunion

> Dear Deeng-Lih:
> Thanks for your e-mail. It was a shock to me when I knew that we already
> left Tunghai 20 years. That will be nice to have a reunion. I will take a
> look at the web site and I would not miss the meeting. Thanks again.
> Best Wishes,
> Shih-kwang Wu (吳世冠)
> 台北縣汐止市康寧街169巷101號
> Tel: (02)26956933 Ext. 2415
> Fax: (02)26957474
> Email:


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