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Please Read Me First (請先讀我-Reunion CD 使用說明)


東海大學化學系24 (1982 年畢) 20週年同窗會

2002112-3(Sat.-Sun.) 兩天一夜在東海


開啟此片光碟後,共有二個檔案夾和三個檔案,其中檔案  [ReunionPhotos2002] 為此次同學會的照片集錦,為讓同學較簡易的瀏覽這片光碟,請遵循下列說明:

一、 欲觀賞個人提供的相片,請開啟檔案夾 [PersonalPhotos],您需要開啟圖檔的軟體。

二、 欲觀賞黃頂立為此同學會準備的所有emails及懷舊照片,請開啟檔案夾 [THU_CHEM2002],檔案夾開啟後再開啟檔案夾 [thu-chem-24],之後再開啟任一 [htm] 檔,[htm] 檔開啟後再點選最上方的 [Index],即可由超連結目錄進入任何目錄。

There are two folders and three files after this CD is opened. [ReunionPhotos2002] folder contains all the photos taken at this reunion. Please follow instructions below to open folders:

1. If you want to view personal photos provided by our classmates, please open [PersonalPhotos] folder. You may need appropriate software to open these files.

2. If you want to view old photos or emails prepared by Deeng-Lih, please open [THU_CHEM2002] folder. After that, please open [thu-chem-24] folder and open any [htm] file. Then click the [Index] that is located on the top of the page and go from the main menu to hyperlink to other files.


戴嘉慧 Chia-Hui Tai



I Index I 報名表 Registration Form I 最新獵捕訊息 Latest Hunting Info I